Hi everyone and welcome.

My name is Sasha and I am just a girl who is on the search for the meaning of my life. There is no one true meaning for all but I believe that we each need to figure out what it is that makes us happy and pursue those dreams. And that’s what brings me here today. I have always enjoyed writing but have found myself shying away from it over the last several years (by years I mean decades). Writing is an escape for me and if I’ve learned nothing else during the pandemic, it’s that we can all use a bit of an escape.

So here I am, just a girl from Pittsburgh; a refugee from the Soviet Union; a girl who has experienced loss and tragedy; a girl who loves deeply; a strong and independent soul who is also sensitive beyond belief; a girl who loves experiencing the beauty that life has to offer and who is happiest when either in nature or among people.

Here I am, a girl who is fierce as hell and finally wanting to share her stories.
